Assessment Lead Programme

Evidence Based Education’s Assessment Academy was a response to calls from schools to reclaim the power of assessment. With the aim of improving pupil outcomes, we set out to create the home for world-class assessment CPD for schools. Following a year of development and trialling, we launched a unique online programme of learning – the Assessment Lead Programme – which not only delivers great CPD content in an evidence-based manner, but which also sets out the steps required for successful implementation of a whole-school assessment system.


Through these six short videos, you can find out how the Programme can help develop your school’s assessment practice.

Great assessment is a powerful tool

Great assessment should be the servant of learning, not its master. It is a purposeful, manageable, efficient and effective tool, and the skill of assessing is fundamental to good planning. After all, how can we know what to teach tomorrow if we do not know what has been understood today?


By generating and using higher quality information on pupil learning, and better integrating assessment with curriculum and pedagogy, teaching can be more responsive to pupil needs.


The aim of the Assessment Lead Programme is to improve the efficiency of assessment as a tool to improve the quality of information that supports effective teaching and learning. Below are six videos that provide further information about what the Assessment Lead Programme is all about and what it can do for you!


Video 1: Overview of the Assessment Lead Programme

Video 2: Module 1 overview – Understanding Assessment

Video 3: Module 2 overview – Designing Assessment

Video 4: Module 3 overview – Analysing Assessment

Video 5: Module 4 overview – Understanding Assessment

Video 6: A demonstration of the programme platform

An overview

Understanding Assessment

Designing Assessment

Analysing Assessment

Leading Assessment

What’s next?

For further information on the Assessment Lead Programme, and to register, visit this webpage.