The Great Teaching Toolkit
Everything you need, to get better together.
Everyone deserves a great teacher
The Great Teaching Toolkit is built on the Model for Great Teaching – a curriculum for teacher learning.
The Great Teaching Toolkit helps teachers to:
- set specific goals for improving their classroom practice, where everyone’s voice is heard.
- build understanding in areas that make the most difference.
- develop skills through modelling, instruction, safe rehearsal and feedback.
- embed habits with development cycles of deliberate practice, feedback and reflection.
Get better, together!

One of the design principles behind the Great Teaching Toolkit is that it has to be scalable: something that any school can do, that generates maximum impact for minimal cost and time. At the heart of the Toolkit is a collaborative and reciprocal approach – Great Teaching Teams.
We provide structure and guidance for teams of teachers to coach each other, focusing explicitly on their classroom practice and their individual challenges.
Build teaching expertise within your teams with courses, resources, structured activities and guided reflection through specific processes like identifying, exploring, and integrating elements of great teaching.
“Blown away with the professional dialogue across Extol Trust regarding our understanding of great teaching… This is our Golden Thread.” (Read full case study here.)
Julie Deville
CEO, Extol Trust
CEO, Extol Trust

Feedback from the most important people
Learners have more collective experience of the classroom environment and teaching practices than anyone else.
Learner surveys (accessible for reading ages 5-16+) generate feedback that allows each individual teacher to:
- Identify strengths and areas for improvement
- Set specific goals for improving their classroom practice
- Measure improvement with insights from their learners

“The survey was such a useful, informative diagnostic tool that really empowered me to take advantage and take control of my own professional learning.” (Read full case study here.)
Mike Downes
Head of History
Head of History

Developing teacher expertise
The Great Teaching Toolkit’s resource library puts hundreds of tailored resources at your teachers’ fingertips.
It includes more than 500 blogs, videos, books, podcasts and documents, curated and mapped to the Dimensions and Elements of the Model for Great Teaching.

Searching for “retrieval practice” offers resources ranging from a two-minute blog post, to a 39-minute podcast.
To build understanding in the areas that matter most for your students’ learning, the Great Teaching Toolkit’s courses all incorporate structured collaboration with colleagues. They contain activities to plan, implement and evaluate pedagogical approaches in your context.
Click on the images below to learn more about our courses!
Lead Programmes cover specialist areas of the Model. They provide a grounding in research evidence and then equip you to lead improvement to policy and practice in the following areas:

Assessment Lead Programme

Behaviour and Culture Programme

Science of Learning Programme
“Improving education at scale is hard. However, we know that teacher expertise is the key driver of student learning. Of all the things school leaders can influence, developing teacher expertise is the one that has the biggest impact for student learning.”
Professor Rob Coe

More effective feedback for teachers

Feedback can be one of the most powerful ways to improve goal-directed performance. The Great Teaching Toolkit has prioritised the development of more efficient, practical and powerful feedback tools. Use video to:
- Help teachers see their own classroom in a way that is broader, clearer and more accurate than their raw experience can provide.
- Focus attention on the areas that matter most to student learning, with a feedback rubric aligned to the Model for Great Teaching.
- Embed habits and motivate improvement through regular cycles of feedback.
Embed Great Teaching
Every student deserves a great teacher. Great teaching is for everyone.
Enter the number of teachers below to see how much a Great Teaching Toolkit membership costs.
For more than 100 licences in one school/college, or to discuss group and MAT rates across multiple schools, please contact us.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the evidence base for the Model for Great Teaching?
The Model for Great Teaching was first published in the Great Teaching Toolkit: Evidence Review – a credible evidence summary of the elements of great teaching practice.
What support is there from Evidence Based Education?
Every school that signs up to the Toolkit is assigned their own GTT Advisor – someone who will work with you to help you get the most out of the Toolkit, whether that is a launch session with colleagues, slides for an INSET, or help getting colleagues signed in, we’ll be on hand to help!
Click here to speak with one of our GTT Advisors.
How do we know whether the Great Teaching Toolkit will work for us?
Everything in the Great Teaching Toolkit is aligned to the Model for Great Teaching – a summary of the best available research evidence on the things teachers do, know and believe that has the biggest impact on student learning.
While there is no silver bullet for professional development, the Great Teaching Toolkit is about sustained and sustainable professional development – helping every teacher to improve, no matter their starting point. The feedback tools can be used to provide insights into whether a teacher is making improvements in areas that matter most, in the eyes of their students.
Can we try the Toolkit before we buy?
Yes, you can sign up for a Great Teaching Toolkit: Starter Account, which allows you to see the platform, try a student feedback survey, and sample lessons from the courses.
Click here to create your account.
Why aren’t you doing instructional coaching in the GTT?
There is good evidence that one-to-one coaching by an expert is one of the most effective ways to improve teaching—but the key design principle behind the Great Teaching Toolkit is that it has to be scalable: something that any school can do, that generates maximum impact for minimal cost and time. Our approach retains the key ingredients of a coaching model, but is more efficient and feasible at scale.
Click here to read more from Professor Rob Coe.
The Model for Great Teaching is all about classroom practice. Is there anything about school leadership?
The Great Teaching Toolkit also includes the School Environment and Leadership survey. This is a tool to provide feedback to school leaders on the school-level factors that evidence suggests are our current best bets for school leaders to attend to in order to promote students’ learning.
Click here to find out more about the SEL survey and how it works.