Behaviour and Culture Programme

Part of the Great Teaching Toolkit






This programme will help you to lead the development of supportive environments for learning in your school or college, and give you the tools to ensure all colleagues can maximise every opportunity for learning.

It will provide you with an evidence-based overview of why our students (and we) behave as we do, identifying the key factors that drive student behaviour, how these interact with the mechanisms that drive learning. You’ll explore strategies great teachers can use in their classrooms to improve behaviour and how leaders can optimise their whole school or colleges’ policies to be confident that your collective approach to behaviour and culture is evidence-based.

How will you benefit from the Behaviour and Culture Programme?

In this course, you’ll learn how to use the evidence base in behaviour and culture to achieve four leadership goals:

  1. to develop and secure your own knowledge and mental models of effective behaviour and culture for learning;
  2. to connect theories of behaviour and culture in learning to your own and your colleagues’ practice;
  3. to review and optimise your behaviour and culture policies and practises; and
  4. to help your colleagues create supportive environments and maximise students’ opportunities to learn culture by creating and sharing an implementation plan for practice and policy development in your college or school.

What’s the format?

The programme is flexible, structured with busy professionals in mind, and provides responsive support. You will enjoy:

  • 30-40 hours of professional learning and practice, aligned with theΒ best available evidence, delivered via an engaging online platform
  • Tools and resourcesΒ to guide, support and implement change
  • StructuredΒ collaboration and support – you are not alone!
  • Practice opportunitiesΒ to scaffold learning – guiding you through the whole process, and helping you contextualise what you learn in your own, unique environment
  • Examples from schoolsΒ working through the everyday practicalities of implementing learning strategies

Behaviour and Culture Programme curriculum overview

science of learning cpd

Term One

In the first term, you’ll develop your knowledge of the evidence base about what drives students’ (and our own) behaviour and how these factors interact with the mechanisms and principles that underpin learning. Drawing on evidence from the field of psychology, you’ll build the foundation knowledge and mental models needed to put theory into practice.

science of learning classroom

Term Two

In the term that follows, you’ll plan, explore how to use the evidence as a basis for decisions of practice, developing your understanding of strategies and practices, such as creating and maintaining social norms in your classroom and school / college, using and explicitly teaching routines, and deploying effective consequences to manage potentially disruptive behaviour, or reinforce positive behaviour.

science of learning curriculum

Term Three

In the final term, you’ll then move on to applying what you’ve learned to the task of reviewing and optimising an existing behaviour or culture policy or practice that you and your colleagues identify as needing improvement. You’ll bring together everything you have learned about creating supportive environments and maximising the opportunity to learn, and create an implementation plan to help you lead the development of these areas of great teaching over the coming months and years.

Who is it for?

Any primary or secondary school, FE college or academy that is committed to maximising the opportunity to learn and creating a supportive environment for their students.

For the programme to have the desired impact, we recommend that the senior leader responsible for behaviour/welfare works with at least one middle leader (such as a head of year). We insist on a minimum of two colleagues working together – because professional development has more impact when colleagues collaborate and support each other!


The Behaviour and Culture Programme is part of the Great Teaching Toolkit, which includes a suite of eleven courses of professional development and student surveys to help guide professional development.

Bundle Staff accounts Price
S 10 Β£1,999
M 20 Β£2,999
L 50 Β£3,999
XL 100 Β£4,999
XXL 101+ Β£6,999

Bundles are priced per school. For group bookings please get in touch.

What is included in the Toolkit?

The Behaviour and Culture Programme

Assessment Lead Programme

The Behaviour and Culture Programme

Science of Learning Programme

The Behaviour and Culture Programme

Behaviour and Culture Programme

The Behaviour and Culture Programme

Creating a supportive environment

The Behaviour and Culture Programme

Maximising opportunity to learn

The Behaviour and Culture Programme


The Behaviour and Culture Programme


The Behaviour and Culture Programme


The Behaviour and Culture Programme


The Behaviour and Culture Programme


The Behaviour and Culture Programme


The Behaviour and Culture Programme

An evidence-based approach to Great Teaching

The Behaviour and Culture Programme

Teacher feedback tool

The Behaviour and Culture Programme

Video observation & feedback

The Behaviour and Culture Programme

School Environment & Leadership tool