Great Teaching Teams and development cycles
Set your goals and get better together

Get better, together

Act on personalised feedback

Develop expertise

Embed great teaching

Teams and development cycles are the features of the Great Teaching Toolkit that bring the process, structure and collaboration to professional learning.
- Great Teaching Teams: whether it is a coaching and mentoring team of two, a triad, or a professional learning community of six, the Great Teaching Toolkit helps teams of teachers to get better together.
- Development cycles: are a private workspace for teachers to record their goals, decisions and actions as they work through the process of improving their practice.
Get better together in great teaching teams
Teams already exist in every school or college and the Great Teaching Toolkit makes it easy to organise and focus how those teams of people to work together on their development.
A team could be a triad, professional learning community, department, or a team of two in a coaching arrangement. Whatever the set-up, with the Great Teaching Toolkit, everyone can be part of a team.
How does it work?
- Establish teams and allocate people to those teams.
- Teams can then set up professional development meetings as they work through the process of getting better together, sharing expertise, resources and providing feedback to each other.
- Teams can create their own meeting agendas to focus their professional development activity, or use our template agendas.
- Record meetings notes and decisions within the Great Teaching Toolkit platform so everyone is clear on what has been decided and needs to happen next.
Ensure your teacher collaboration is focused and organised, share expertise and build social bonds with Great Teaching Teams.

“I would definitely advocate the Great Teaching Toolkit as a framework to anchor professional learning. The means to articulate what we do and how we can do it better encourages better conversations about teaching and the impact that it has on students learning. ” (Read full case study here.)
Rachel Gordon
Assistant Headteacher
Assistant Headteacher

Focus on the process
The ultimate aim of teacher’s professional learning is that it improves outcomes for learners. To achieve that aim, there needs to be a change in the behaviour and practice of the teacher. However, all too often, teacher professional development lacks a focus on the process that will lead to meaningful change and desired outcomes.
The evidence indicates that setting specific and challenging goals substantially increases the likelihood of behaviour change.
The structure we have used for teachers’ professional learning is the Development Cycle. Development cycles are a private workspace for teachers to record their goals, decisions, strategies and actions as they work through the process of enhancing their teaching practice.
As part of a development cycle you can:
- set specific goals for improving classroom practice.
- build understanding in areas that make the most difference.
- develop skills through modelling, instruction, safe rehearsal and feedback.
- embed habits with deliberate practice, feedback and reflection.

Embed Great Teaching
Every student deserves a great teacher. Great teaching is for everyone.
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For more than 100 licences in one school/college, or to discuss group and MAT rates across multiple schools, please contact us.