What is the Great Teaching Toolkit?
Below is a collection of videos, putting specific features of the Great Teaching Toolkit in the spotlight. See how 14,000+ other teachers are using the feedback tools, courses and development model.

The Model for Great Teaching, published in the Great Teaching Toolkit: Evidence Review, is a hugely popular framework for helping structure conversations around what great teaching is and what it looks like.
However, the Great Teaching Toolkit is about much more than just this one model. The videos below highlight some of the key tools, features and feedback you can access with the GTT, and link to case studies showing how other teachers and leaders are using them in practice.
Setting up the Great Teaching Toolkit
This video explores the options for setting up the GTT and building a common language around teaching and learning with your staff, as well as the resources and support provided to help you get off to a great start.
Read this case study with Jamie Kelleher, Assistant Headteacher at Birchgrove Comprehensive School, for an insight into how they have approached this process, and how it has been transformative in their approaches to both teaching and learning, and CPD more widely.
Student surveys
This video looks in-depth at how the GTT helps you put feedback at the heart of teacher learning. The student surveys in the GTT have been used more than 35,000 times, and have been tried and tested with students from reading age 5 to 16+.
The feedback from these surveys can be an incredibly powerful tool for supporting and driving teacher development, and ultimately school improvement, as outlined in this case study here with Claire Badger, Great Teaching Coordinator at the Godolphin and Latymer School.
Courses and Programmes
You don’t need to look any further for evidence-based courses of learning for your staff around the Model for Great Teaching. Our acclaimed suite of teacher- and leader-level courses is available as part of the Great Teaching Toolkit. It helps your staff access the best available research on areas key to student learning, then ultimately to embed improvements in their day-to-day practice until they become automatic.
As Alex Havers, Assistant Headteacher at Parrenthorn High School, says here, they are “some of the best CPD courses I’ve done in a long, long time“.
A framework for sustained, personalised CPD
The Great Teaching Toolkit is based on the very best of what we know about how humans learn, and specifically how teachers develop their practice over time. Our development cycles help structure the whole process for you, from identifying a priority area, to granular detail on how you’re going to seek to improve, right through to evidencing whether you are developing your practice.
It’s suitable for self-guided, small-group and whole-staff CPD, and it’s not just for early-career teachers: even the most experienced teachers and school and college leaders can still develop, as Sue Barnard points out in this case study.
A model for high-quality peer observation
This video explores how the Great Teaching Toolkit can help support an objective, effective and evidence-based teacher observation process, either in-person or using the video observation feedback tool.
It helps facilitate low-stakes, but high-impact development conversations about specific and high-leverage areas of practice, as outlined in this blog post with Rachel Gordon at Eltham College.
Creating the conditions for great teaching
The Model for School Environment and Leadership helps demonstrate and scaffold high-quality and evidence-based school leadership. Teachers in classrooms do not operate on an island; certain structures, supports and scaffolds need to be in place to facilitate great teaching in every classroom.
Explore how the Great Teaching Toolkit can help you create the conditions for great teaching, by getting real insights on the professional environment within your school or college, and by empowering staff with their professional development.
What does it look like in practice?
This video explores models for implementing the GTT in your context. The Great Teaching Toolkit is a flexible set of tools which you can use in a way that works for your circumstances, but there are a couple of models that we most often see used.
You can look at these in more detail in our case studies focusing on two scenarios: where there is a school-led priority set already, as in this blog with Jablai Saleh at Story Wood Primary School, or a teacher-led approach, as in this post, with Ruth Stead at Netherhall School.