Assessment Lead Programme
Part of the Great Teaching Toolkit
The Assessment Lead Programme’s aim is to maximise assessment for learning by enhancing formative assessment and summative assessment strategies.
The programme provides a framework for improving your assessment approach through evidence-based training, practical tools and resources and guidance for implementations.
This award-winning online course is broken down into four Units. You will learn through a combination of theory, design, regular collaboration and practical application sustained over time.
How can it help enhance assessment for learning?
The Assessment Lead Programme has helped teachers and their schools enhance assessment for learning by:
1. Designing low-stakes quizzes
2. Improving the quality of end of stage/phase test to better discriminate what pupils know and can do
3. Designing and developing a reusable bank of topic – and subject-specific questions
4. Improving the quality of information teachers put into monitoring systems and assessment tools
5. Rethinking and reforming department/phase and whole-school assessment practice and policy based on the best available evidence

Understanding Assessment
Gain a robust understanding of key concepts, including our four pillars of assessment and good assessment for learning practice. Lay firm foundations for the practical design and analysis work of Units 2 and 3.

Designing Assessment
Enjoy working through a practical and iterative process of designing and trialling assessments – both formative and summative – with your pupils.

Analysing Assessment
Analyse assessment data and fine-tune questions to improve formative and summative assessments. Develop practice in evidence-based curriculum planning and tracking progress.

Leading Assessment
Create an evidence-based school assessment system. Define roles and responsibilities and improve policy and practice across your whole staff.
Who is it for?
Any primary or secondary school, FE college or academy that is committed to enhancing their assessment practice sustained over one academic year.
For the programme to have the desired impact, we recommend that the senior leader responsible for assessment works with at least one middle leader (such as a head of department or phase). We insist on a minimum of two colleagues working together – because professional development has more impact when colleagues collaborate and support each other!
The Assessment Lead Programme has supported educators in state, independent and international settings around the world to apply the principles of great assessment to their context.
What’s the format?
The programme is designed to be as flexible as possible, but structured and well-supported. Delivered entirely online, over three terms (c. 40 hours) you will:
- learn and apply the tools and resources to guide, support and implement change
- enjoy structured collaboration and support, with both your colleague(s) and other Assessment Leads on our online discussion forums
- apply your learning within your own context with practice opportunities to scaffold learning
- work towards completing the course by developing and implementing enhanced assessment strategies and practices
The Assessment Lead Programme is part of the Great Teaching Toolkit, which includes a suite of eleven courses of professional development and student surveys to help guide professional development.
Bundle | Staff accounts | Price |
S | 10 | £1,999 |
M | 20 | £2,999 |
L | 50 | £3,999 |
XL | 100 | £4,999 |
XXL | 101+ | £6,999 |
Bundles are priced per school. For group bookings please get in touch.

Evidence Based Education is partnered with the University of Buckingham to offer the Assessment in Schools module of their online MA Education (Teaching and Learning). For additional information about applying, enrolment, and requirements, you can find out more through the University of Buckingham.

“Why did you choose the Assessment Lead Programme?”
Steve Mills, Headteacher at Whitehill Junior School, a primary school in Hertfordshire, completed the Assessment Lead Programme with his colleague Anna in 2018. We spoke with Steve to find out why he chose to enrol on the Assessment Lead Programme.
What do teachers think of the Assessment Lead Programme?
I'm loving all I'm learning and I'm very happy to have completed my first module! @EvidenceInEdu
— Andrea Butler (@andibutler81) November 28, 2019
Discussing assessment blueprints in our #AssessmentLead meeting today @MortimerCC. Really enjoyed this week's lesson. @EvidenceInEdu
— Joanne Thornton (@JoThornton76) December 16, 2019
I have completed Module One of @EvidenceInEdu's Assessment Lead Programme. In this module I have developed a strong understanding of the four pillars of assessment, bias and constructs.
— nancy coranguez (@CoranguezNancy) January 30, 2020
Working with colleagues in school and abroad on the EBE Assessment Lead Programme. First three sections complete and ready to discuss cost v benefit of our assessments, the effectiveness of marking and grading student work. #DCSG #DCSGJunior
— Ciaran Harrington (@DCSG_Junior) February 18, 2020
Excited to begin the EBE Assessment Lead Programme, Professional Development with Evidence Based Education. Really looking forward to the reading and collaboration with Junior School colleagues. #DCSG #DCSGJunior
— Clare Measures (@DCSG_CME) February 5, 2020
What is included in the Toolkit?

Assessment Lead Programme

Science of Learning Programme

Behaviour and Culture Programme

Creating a supportive environment

Maximising opportunity to learn






An evidence-based approach to Great Teaching

Teacher feedback tool

Video observation & feedback