Online teacher CPD: New options from EBE

Over recent weeks it has been amazing to witness the sheer resilience, ingenuity and resourcefulness of teachers and school leaders in responding to the challenges brought about by the global Coronavirus pandemic.

Through recent conversations with teachers and schools’ leaders, we know that schools around the world are at different stages of the remote schooling experience and at different points in their planning. We know that some schools are beginning to make provision for teacher development in two scenarios. Both for an unknown or extended period of school closure or (with a strong sense of optimism) returning to school within several months (several weeks in some parts of the world).

In consulting schools about online teacher CPD options for the short- to medium-term, it became clear that we should adapt our professional development opportunities to the current situation. Therefore, we are making the following provision:

  1. A one-off summer term cohort of the Assessment Lead Programme. This is for schools who find they have some staff with current capacity for professional development. Places are limited to ten schools. Book now, start learning as soon as you’re ready and receive five free places on Assessment Essentials, which you can use whenever you like;
  2. Planning for next year – greater flexibility and more opportunities for staff. Schools booking on to the September cohort of the Assessment Lead Programme can begin their learning at any point from 30th September up to 31st December 2020. Furthermore, any school booking before the end of July 2020 will receive five free places on our 10-week online Assessment Essentials course that can be used immediately after booking or at any point in the future – there is no expiry date for enrolment;
  3. Assessment Essentials – book now, use at any time. Schools can book as many Assessment Essentials places as they like, to be used whenever they like. For example, a school booking ten Assessment Essentials places can have two staff start immediately, two in October and six in May 2021! There is no restriction on when you can use your course places. Whole-school and group rates are available; contact us for more information.

For more information about the Assessment Lead Programme or to book for the May or September cohorts, click here.

For more information or to book Assessment Essentials places, click here.

If you have any questions at all about our online teacher CPD, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


Please note that meetings between colleagues are a regular feature of our courses. These meetings can be held virtually, over the phone or enacted through the online discussion boards in both courses. In addition, Module 2 of the Assessment Lead Programme requires participants to design and trial questions and quizzes with students, these too can be facilitated online using Google Forms, for example.

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